Kartik Aaryan, Sara Ali Khan blend in with Shimla locals, wear Himachali caps. Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan were spotted wearing traditional Himachali caps while filming for Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal sequel.
A Craze of Himachal Caps and Called Pahari Topi now With these Beautiful Duo.
” Himachal Cap Is Called Crown of Every Himachali” and Every Celebrity When Come to Himachal they Can’t Take Them Away from Waring This Crown on Their Heads.
A Traditional Crown Which is Wore at World label and Whole Wold Loved It.
Buy Himachal Caps At Your Door at Best Price
Good to see our culture attracting the celebs.
Yes. It feel very Happy when our Art and Craft is Loved By Celebs. Thank You For Your Comment. Please Follow and Share Our Intitiative