Wool Loi

Loi/Men Shawl/Lohi/Chadar

A Loi Or Men’s Shawl is a gents shawl, woven in a light woolen and Angora fabric in different sizes and colors.

It is clad around and above the shoulders and is commonly made of mill- spun textile and occasionally of hand spun wool.

Technical Specifications of a Loi:

Yarn used:

1. Warp – 2/ 48’s to 2/ 64’s Woolen Worsted, Angora.
2. Weft – 2/ 48’s to 2/ 64’s Woolen Worsted, Angora, Rabbit Wool, Pashmina, etc.
Size – 1.15 Mt. X 2.30 Mt., 1. 30Mt. X 2. 60 Mt., 1.40Mtr. X 2.80 Mtr.
Weave – 2/ 2 Twill
Weight – 300 gms to 650 gms

  • Soulful Sanctuary: Handcrafted Wool Meditation Shawl Blanket

    “This Is Most Loved Meditation Prayer Shawl by Our International Customers, As there is Very Very Fine hand Crafted Design and Pattern on This. Every Thread of These Design are Crafted and Woven by Fingers of Or Amazing Weavers.”

    Handmade from a blend of Pure Wool and Hypoallergenic Acrylic Wool for Design Only, this shawl will keep you warm and Cosy .

    Please note, as these garments are hand-made, variations in pattern color may vary slightly.

    Proudly Hand Woven on Looms of Himalayan Villages.


    103cm X 206cm (40 inches x 80 inches)

    Join us @himalayankraft.in Instagram community for our latest updates and offers 🙂


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