yoga shawl pattern

A Yoga Shawl Or Meditation Shawl is a Soft and Warm shawl, woven in a light woolen and Angora fabric in different sizes and colors.It is clad around and above the shoulders and is commonly made of mill- spun textile and occasionally of hand spun wool.Technical

Specifications of a Yoga Shawl:

Yarn used:

1. Warp – 2/ 48’s to 2/ 64’s Woolen Worsted, Angora.

2. Weft – 2/ 48’s to 2/ 64’s Woolen Worsted, Angora, Rabbit Wool, Pashmina, etc.


Size – 1.15 Mt. X 2.30 Mt., 1. 30Mt. X 2. 60 Mt., 1.40Mtr. X 2.80 Mtr.

Weave – 2/ 2


Weight – 300 gms to 650 gms.

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